An Asian Graduate School with a Difference

Education costs money. But then so does ignorance

Before cell phones became so popular, watches were much more attractive to carry around because they are the most convenient way to keep track of the time.

A Distinguished Woman Educator
Dr. Mina Ramirez is one rare gem excelling in this field. Dr. Mina Ramirez is the female successor of Rev. Fr. Francis Senden, cicm, PhD, founder of the Asian Social Institute (ASI), after his death in 1973.
Academic Context

Sustainable development -  “a balanced ecology”, and “a people-centered” development – are related terms which reflect a concern for life promotion, not just for one form of life but all life forms, not just for a few but for all women and men, for all children and youth not only of the present but also of future generations.  They speak of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC).

Admission Requirements Checklist
A checklist of documentary requirements for admission