An Asian Graduate School with a Difference

Master of Science in Sociology Major in Pastoral Studies

Master of Science in Sociology Major in Pastoral Studies

The program envisions that diocesan priest students become persons who are holistically renewed and transformed in faith as they fully participate in the mission of the Church in our society today.


  • Process the priests’ life issues and resolve matters accordingly toward self-enhancement and personal maturity;
  • Focus their spiritual search toward the charism and lifestyle befitting diocesan priests;
  • Evaluate their theological views vis-à-vis the Church, Church and His mission (Ecclessiology, Christology and Missiology), starting from their concrete experiences leading to the acquisition of an updated theological framework;
  • Experience community life with fellow diocesan priests, enriched by mutual trust and support, and in the process, formulate the dynamics and goals of community building with the parish setting; and
  • Acquire new skills in participatory research, communications, project planning and management, community organization, and organizational development and planning.


  • Primacy of faith experience and its cultural context;
  • A Christ-inspired mission and ministry;
  • Global, ecumenical and interfaith in perspective, action, and celebration;
  • Interdisciplinary in approach; and
  • Focus on servant leadership in the management of change.


Course Requirements Course No. Title of Subjects Units
Basic Subjects (18 units) PST 223 Philosophy of Commitment to Total Human Development 3
PST 224 Socio-Cultural Analysis I 3
PST 231 Socio-Cultural Analysis II 3
PST 225 Research Methods 3
PST 226 Statistics 3
PST 227 Phenomenological Research 3
Field of Specialization (24 units) PST 238 Human Relations Training 3
PST 233 Community  Organization 3
PST 235 Project Planning and Management 3
PST 228 Economic Analysis 3
PST 236 Communication for Development 3
PST 234 Pastoral Psychology 3
PST 237 Pastoral Planning and Administration 3
PST 239 Organizational Development 3
Cognates (9 units) PST 240 Theology Renewal I (Spirituality and        Discernment) 3
PST 241 Theology Renewal II (Personhood and Sexuality) 3
PST 242 Theology Renewal III (Theological Perspectives/ Themes) 3
Research   Requirement (9 units) PS 246 Thesis Seminar 3
PS 247 Thesis Writing 6
Total Number of Units 60